Check Aama Staus

Aama is described in Ayurveda as toxins that accumulate in the body due to improper digestion and metabolism. These toxins can lead to a range of health problems, from mild digestive issues to chronic diseases.

Please file the below form

1 / 9

I tend to feel congested in the head, and have general lack of clarity.

2 / 9

In the morning when I wake up, I’m groggy; it takes me quite a while to feel really awake.

3 / 9

I tend to feel weak, physically, for no reason that I can see.

4 / 9

My body tends to have a feeling of heaviness.

5 / 9

I tend to have lack of motivation

6 / 9

I commonly have indigestion.

7 / 9

I often feel the need to spit.

8 / 9

Often, I just don’t have a taste for food. I have no appetite.

9 / 9

I just tend to feel tired, even exhausted…in mind or body.

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